Thursday, April 7, 2011


Doing some organizing and dusting after rifling through our DVD collection.  We don't need all this shit, so obviously it's time to sell some of it.  I love Fritz Lang's "M", but do I watch it often enough to warrant having it on my shelf? (Almost) everything must go!!!

I've been doing a good job of not watching crap this year, but haven't been too active in seeking out the classics.  This week, that was remedied.  I watched Wernor Herzog's "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" as research for the script I'm writing (How's that for cryptic?).  Fascinating, with a brilliant performance by lead actor Klaus Kinski (who, according to legend, attempted to walk off the set mid-production, before the director threatened to kill him if he did).  It feels random though, and unfocused; like a question mark.  Attempted to watch Carl Theodore Dryer's "The Passion of Joan of Arc"; no thanks.  A film that's been occasional ranked as "better than Citizen Kane" by film fans in dark alleys, in hushed tones, I found it to be an overwrought bore.  Didn't finish it, so it doesn't get a proper rating.  The close-ups lived up to their reputation as being beautifully rendered, but the overuse of close-ups felt like an assault on the senses.  I guess that's the point, and it's just not really my bag.

If Aguirre is a question mark, and Passion is a exclamation point, I suppose I've figured out the tone that I prefer - the period.  Artists - have a thought, and then express it.  Don't ask me what I think about it, or tell me how to feel about it - just say it.

I did see a French film that I really liked, directed by someone who's works I've never experienced.  "The Earrings of Madame De. . . ", from director Max Ophuls, was mind blowing.  Stanley Kubrick would often reference Ophuls as a favorite of his, and I can now see why.  On the surface, a simple, melodramatic love triangle story, but with extremely strong characters (all superbly acted) and assured direction.  I'll be checking out some more Ophuls soon enough.

The Dark Knight Rises is going to be shooting in Pittsburgh, as if to justify my eventual move.  They'll be gone long before I arrive, but as the film industry in Michigan begins to dry up, it's nice to see some big projects being filmed in my future home.  On top of the fact that Romero's Dead movies were filmed there.  Oh, better make sure those are in my "to keep" pile!

News from the other side of Pennsylvania - M. Night Shyamalan's making another film.  The Last Airbender was, oddly enough, quite profitable, so obviously there are some gluttons for punishment out there that would be excited about this.  This one's a sci-fi thriller starring Will Smith and son.  Hmmm. . .

Quentin Tarantino recently screened his long awaited combined version of Kill Bill, in all its unrated g(l)ory.  Blu Ray, por favor?



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